Sunday 2 October 2011

The People That Changed My Life This Past Summer

wow.. this is a crazy deal... you see, this past summer i went to circle square ranch for the eLITe leadership program that they offer there. i didnt know anyone and i hadnt ever been there before, and when we had our first meeting, i looked around at the other twenty-five LITs and im like.. oh boy.. how the heck am i going to survive these next two weeks... but even before this i met some pretty amazing people, ill start with them then ill keep going with the rest.. these people honestly changed my life this summer, they showed me that.. im loved for who i am and i shouldnt worry about what people think of me, i love these guys so much, theyre my family.

Katie - the first person i met at circle square and i gotta say shes one of the nicest people out there. shes so loving and caring and she showed me around the ranch and helped me with stuff i didnt know about. (which was alot..)

Naomi - wow she is so on fire for God it honestly amazed me, she was so into every session, and praying, and holy cow, was she ever on fire when she spoke in tongues, it was just so cool to see her in action with sharing the gospel and motivating people

Alexis - shes so amazing, and if you met her, youd love her, shes so down to earth and insanely pretty... like actually... i am so honoured to have met her and get to know her, its very hard for me to descirbe her with words.. but she is so amazing

Cierra - another amazing girl, one of the oldest in the group, shes very funny and very pretty. a very mature young woman i must say, i honestly love her, shes one of the first i connected with in the first hour i was at the ranch and im so glad we did

Jordan - also known as "Jordan the Girl" cause there was a female and a male jordan in the group, shes also an amazing girl, very nice, very pretty, funny aswell

the girls i have just listed were my bunk for the two weeks i was at the ranch, and i am so glad that they were

laurielle - the most amazing girl i have ever met.. so on fire for God, she knows so much about him and his word it amazed me, she is beautiful, and such a blessing to me, probably connected with her the strongest because our life situations that we went through are pretty much the exact same

Gillian - is beautiful, hilarious, on fire for Him, and i am insanely privilaged to have met her

Larissa - a truely beautiful girl, and very nice, i dont think i can think of one time when she wasnt nice to me

Katrina - also a very nice and pretty girl, we connected pretty well, were both horse lovers

D'arcie - wow.. beautiful.. her face, her teeth, her hair, my goodness, also a very nice girl, i connected with her very well, and we talked lots too

Jaclyn - beautiful!!!! holy cow.. and can she ever sing! what a beautiful voice that is used to praise our Lord

Jessica - very pretty girl, nice too, im blessed to know her!

Courtney - wow.. shes hilarious, at a dinner we laughed like the whole time, she makes me smile and laugh which i love! and i love her!

Morgan - so pretty and so nice, im so privilaged to get to know her, and im so insaely glad i met her!

Ally - so beautiful, so kind and caring, unfortunately i didnt get to know her as well as some of the others, but i hope i do soon!

Cossette - wow! ive never known someone from cincinnati! im so privilaged to know her and to have met her!

Miranda - beautiful girl, and we connected, we have some things in common, and she is a blessing to me!

Adele - shes so nice, like actually, and pretty too, im so glad i met her and got to know her!

all these girls were in the other bunks, i am honestly so privilaged to have met each and every one of them, i love them all so much

Dakota - awesome guy, worked at the barn together, had tons of fun, really nice too!

Kodi - such a funny guy i must say, made me laugh a few times, very glad to have met him!

Joel - very funny, very very nice, knew so much about the bible, got the sword drills every time... so thankful to God that i met him!

Jonathan - pretty much the same a joel.. mostly cause theyre twins, super nice guy! also got the sword drills every time...

Quin - nicest guy ever, so smart, so nice, and very funny! made me laugh alot during the week, and oh my goodness... what an amazing photographer... so privilaged!

Jordan - the "boy" jordan of the group, such a nice guy, he intimidated me when i first saw him but when i got to know him i started to see who he really was, and the weekend inbetween the two weeks we both stayed at the ranch, we connected very well and have alot of God talks, so blessed!

Michal - michal, michal, michal, michal.... well.. he named me! haha i will tell the story behind this in more detail in a later post, but he named me Puddle Diver. hes such a nice guy, honestly hilarious, he always made me laugh, and it was always so funny to see him curled up in a ball every morning at our sessions, what a kid.. so so blessed!

these guys were amazing, and im so blessed to have met and get to know all of them.

Chris - Chris oh Chris... our infamous LIT leader that taught us, such a good teacher, such a Godly man, he was so inspiring to me! I am so so so privilaged and blessed to have him as a leader!

Norm - words cannot describe this man. he was so incredibly Godly and so on fire for Him, it amazes me, and what an incredible singer, we always had jam sessions after he taught us(he filled in for chris in the second week in the mornings), they were always so fun! I am so blessed to have met him!

These people are just part of the eLITe group, there we many more staff from circle square that impacted my life. i am so thankful to God that he let me have this chance to meet them all!

1 comment:

  1. Aw, Hannah. You are truely an amazing woman of God, you're going to go so far in life with him, it's so exciting. Each day we grow closer as long as we are willing to change. Thank you so much for who you are Hannah! I love you :) And we will see eachother soon i promise <3
