Monday 3 October 2011

A Name Like No Other

as i mentioned before, i went to circle square ranch this past summer. in the second week of eLITe we got to shadow staff, i, praise Jesus, was put into the horse staff, and i thank God for doing so to this day because i had such a great experience. well, on the first day, i was assigned to get up early and help feed the horses with the other horse staff. in this hour or so before breakfast, we have to feed the horses and tack them for the day to come. well, i cant remember what horse i was tacking.. but, and the ranch, the saddles that they have are extremely heavy, its not like i wasnt able to handle it, cause i was, but that night it had rained alot, and the stalls on the side i was on were all muddy and slippery(something may have just popped into your mind as to what i may say next after saying that word). so, i had just brushed down this horse, and went to get the saddle, i had a pretty good grip on it.. but before this i had been going in and out of this stall with a huge, gigantor puddle right where you go in to tack the horse, but anyways, i grabbed the saddle and start to go into the stall, but with this huge saddle in my hands, i  couldnt see where i was putting my awesome horse rubber boots, and.. i put my boot right in the spot where there is no chance of you not falling... so i fell.. but surprisingly there was only mud on my jacket and hands, not on my pants at all.(PTL) so then everyone was like "oh my gosh are you okay hannah" and im like "yea im fine! haha" and i laughed it off, it was ebarassing, but more funny that embarassing. so after all the horses are tacked, we head back up to western town for staff prayer meeting(one of my most favourite parts of the day!), but all the eLITe's have to meet in the "eLITe room" before we go down, so i get there and everyones chillin and talkin waiting for chris to show up(who was often late) and michal sees me and hes like "what happened to you" and i was like "i fell in a puddle", before i go on i have to explain something, at the ranch there is a place called teepee village, which is for the kids under.. 8 or so? im not entirely sure, but! when you work in teepee village you need a teepee name, (i will now go on with the story), so! then it was either now or a little while later that hes like "i have a teepee name for you!" and im like "what is it..." "Puddle Diver!" and im like "really now.." but, once you come up with a teepee name it has to be cleared by Sherriff, obviously we didnt ask him cause i dont think its even a considerable name, but, it would be so sweet if i was allowed to have that name, but, i just thought id share this story because every time i think of it it makes me laugh, so thanks to michal, a good friend and family member from eLITe he gave me a name like no other, Puddle Diver.

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