Saturday 1 October 2011

First Time Thing

well this is a first time for me, ive never blogged before, so we'll see how this goes!
a little about me.. hmm.. thats an interesting subject... well, im a believer, a faithful servent of the Lord Jesus Christ, and i always will be. i am in love with horses, i always have been ever since i can remember, i dont have a horse even though i want one very badly.. im blonde, average height-ish, and i am canadian. i have alot of important things in my life, but my absolute number one is God and my relationship with him. next is my direct family, then my family from circle square ranch. i will explain in a later blog post about them and how they changed my life. well.. thats it for now i think.. if i think of more ill post it! ttfn. ta ta for now.

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