Monday 10 October 2011

A Day of Thanks

Today is Thanksgiving!! A day that we all have something to be thankful for. I have so much to be thankful for, probably more than my mind can handle. The first thing im thankful for is Jesus dieing on the cross for my sins to give me eternal life. Second, im thankful for my family, my mom and dad and sisters and brother and neice, third, im thankful for my manitoban family, the people i met at Circle Square Ranch, I am so thankful to God that i met them because my life is changed forever. Fourth, i am thankful for my hometown friends, for putting up with me and being there for me, Fifth, im thankful for my dog, i dont know what i would do without her, she is my everything, i love her to pieces, and always will, i know she can be a little rip every now and then, but at the end of the day, she is the cutest, most loving dog ever. Sixth, i am thankful for my distant family that live far away from us, and seventh, im thankful for the biggest and most best meal i look forward to every year, the savory turkey, the isnaely tastey stuffing, the green beans with almonds, the mashed potatoes, the gravy (ohhh baby), and even though i dont favour these next things.. im still thankful for them.. sweet potatoes, squash and broccoli salad. I am so thankful that my mom and dad cook this for our family every year, i am so privilaged, some people dont even know what thanksgiving is, the meal, the family, the friends. I just wanna put a prayer out there for all those people that dont have family, or the meal, or the friends, i pray that they will find a good friend this thanksgiving day, and that they would have the best meal they have ever had, and that they will make a life long friend.

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